Fall in Love

I recently watched a video with Bruce Lipton where he talked about the importance of falling in love. What I loved about it (pun very much intended) was that it wasn’t so much about the importance of falling in love with another person (which can be good too), but rather, just being in a state

Let Go of Attachment

Total transparency? This one is a doozy for me.  I have been a control freak most of my life. In my defense, I am a Capricorn and kinda wired that way.  I never use things like astrology as an excuse, however, so I have had to learn to overcome my desire to manage everything when

Allow Yourself To Receive

I sat down recently to meditate on this concept.  It is interesting that as driven type A individuals we tend to be a great deal better at doing and giving than we are at being and receiving. I think there is a misconception about the concept of allowing oneself to receive. I believe our culture
If you have been looking at my posts on Instagram and/or Facebook lately you know that over the past 2 weeks I was on the Big Island of Hawaii attending at teaching at our Huna workshop. There are people from all walks of life, religions and spiritual backgrounds that attend because Huna is not a

Know Who You Are

Dr. John Ryan often starts off our NLP training talking about the two big problems we tend to face as human beings. 1. Finding our purpose 2. Fulfilling that purpose. From a Huna perspective that is also true and inside the pillars of resilience I created about 4 years ago, that theme also runs true.

When You Lose Someone

I got up yesterday feeling a little off though I couldn’t really put my finger on what it was. I did my usual morning routine of meditation and my workout and after getting ready for my day, I sat down for my first coaching call of the day. The call went great but I was

How Do I Make It Easier?

As many of you know, I am on the road well over 50% of the year. Being that it was my first full year of that kind of travel last year, I didn’t know just how challenging it would be. I don’t just mean in terms of not being home and maintaining routines. I mean

What Are Your Patterns?

I was recently at a networking event. Now, I am not usually a fan of these things and I was glad I went. As I walked around meeting people and telling them about what I do, I found myself saying over and over again that I am a coach that works with high-achieving game-changing people

Feel Your Feelings

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The Slight Edge…

There’s a book I love called the The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. In it he talks about the importance of doing things everyday that move you forward on your path to your goal. They don’t have to be huge, in fact it is the little things done with consistency over time that make the